摘要:Based on the theory of system dynamics, this article analyses the system composition of a university library intelligent knowledge service (IKS) and its relevant functions. First, we designed a system dynamics model involved the steps and flow of system modelling, the analysis and frame diagram, the system boundaries and their settings, and the system causality model. Furthermore, the system simulation of the IKS is carried out with result analysis, validity test and application analysis. The system simulation results show that (1) the model can simulate the system operation processes of a university library IKS, (2) the model reveals the relationships and the operation trends among the elements of the IKS and (3) the effective implementation of a library IKS can be improved by following the essential law of service development, paying attention to the coordination and interaction among constituent elements, and influencing measures around key variables.
关键词:Intelligent knowledge service;System dynamics;University library